Thursday, May 08, 2008

no page number in latex documents

The nopageno package provides a simple way to remove page numbers from both the opening pages and the normal pages of all classes of LaTeX documents. Other than adding the package to your document, no action is necessary. No package options are available.


Anonymous said...

Thank you!
It has been solved my problems.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! It was giving me a hard time!


Oreolek said...

You can use \pagestyle{empty} as well :-)

Naradmuni said...

Thanks Oreolek :)
But that would probaly remove the headings on the page as well.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

But still page numbers appear in the table of content. How can I remove them?

Naradmuni said...

hi, can you provide a sample(you can just put some junk text ) so i can try myself ?

you can email me at

(remove the rhino)